Business Creation/Career Development

Core Project undertaken by all students in their fourth year

Look to the future and engage in business development in emerging markets! Learn how to deliver presentations in global business!

As a culmination of four years of study, students participate in business creation training, developing the ability to proactively identify and solve problems, and work in teams to gain hands-on experience that contributes to business management. The goal is to apply and solidify the ‘practical skills’ acquired through core specialized courses, which are grounded in theory. It is important to achieve a balanced mastery of both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Through the business creation training, students aim to strengthen both aspects. 

From business vision to strategy execution through group work

Program Content
In the first semester of the fourth year, students will engage in “Business Vision and Business Strategy Formulation” training, focusing on developing business strategies. In the second semester of the fourth year, they will engage in “Execution and Evaluation of a Business Action Plan,” taking on specific roles within a team to manage the project, including scheduling and resource management. The results will be evaluated by top executives from partner companies.

Program Approach and Faculty Support
Professors from specialized seminars will provide direct guidance. Faculty members will circulate among teams, participating in discussions, facilitating progress, and overseeing the students’ work. In parallel with the training, seminar-style classes will be conducted on specific topics (such as corporate management or business administration, which are common themes across the training) and for guidance on graduation theses.